Subject knowledge and teaching skills -> As per the policy of EducationChamp every new Tutor, Trainer, Teacher or service provider booked by the Student or Parent shall take 2 demo classes. It is the sole responsibility of Student and Parent to evaluate the subject knowledge, teaching skills and attitude of the service provider within these 2 demo classes.
Safety and Security of Pupil -> It is the sole responsibility of students and parents to verify the Tutors, Trainers, Teachers or any other service provider listed on EducationChamp App and ascertain their own safety and security. eC App is an aggregation platform only connecting Students and Teachers for their convenience and takes no responsibility what-so-ever for their safety and security.
Limited liability -> EducationChamp is liable for refund only to the extend of booking amount or any fee amount received by it. Under no circumstance claims for any other amount exceed the payment received by EducationChamp will be payable to any party.